
I threw myself into printmaking as a way to deal with depression and anxiety. I was quickly taken by the process of woodblock printmaking from the Medieval and Renaissance periods, as I looked into reproducing several tarot cards from those eras.

15 - 19th century European and American occult and religious symbolism has become the backbone of most of my art. I use a combination of elements from emblems, illuminated manuscripts, playing cards, and occult art subverted and transformed to create my own symbols and meanings.


I have been reading Tarot for almost 20 years and professionally for 6. I am not a fortune teller, a psychic, and don’t consider myself a spiritual kind of person. Tarot, for me, is about bringing what’s in the back of the mind forward in order to better assess a client’s current situation.

I can’t tell you where you’ll end up, but I can help you see where you are going.

I also have an intense love of the weird and wonderful esoteric history of Tarot, which I incorporate into a lot of my own art.

I am picky about where and how often I will do readings. While they are incredibly rewarding, they are also emotionally draining (in a good way). Recovery time is important so that I continue to enjoy the craft. That being said, feel free to inquire about my availability in my Contact section.